Housing Highlights Volume 7, Issue 9
For Residents of Washington Housing Authority | October-December 2022
Inside This Issue:
- Congratulations!
- Welcome
- Resident Council Advisory Borad
- Little Outside Library
- Community Events
- BHPC Buzz for Parents and Early Educators
- Resident News
- Yard of the Month
- Upcoming Events
Washington Housing Authority would like to send a huge CONGRATULATIONS to our two FSS Graduates, Jasmine Rodman and Margaretta Hines.
Congratulations on completing the Family Self-Sufficiency Program and completing that step of your goals!
Help Keep Our Kids Safe!
Please be mindful of this while traveling in residential areas.
Welcome Mr. Michael Best
Greetings, residents of Washington Housing Authority,
We're excited to announce a new addition to our team, Michael Best, who will fill the position of Executive Director previously held by Vanessa Dunn. A meet and greet luncheon was held here at Washington Housing Authority Friday, October 7, 2022, where Mr. Best met city officials and his staff.
Mr. Best brings us extensive housing and urban development knowledge, and we are delighted to have him on board. We look forward to the positive changes that will be made under his leadership.
You can read more about Mr. Best in our next issue of Housing Highlights, but until then, please join us in welcoming Michael Best to the Washington Housing Authority Family.
Resident Council Advisory Board
Hello, my name is Lorraine Gordon, and I am the 2022-2024 Resident Council Advisory Board President. I am excited to be a part of the board. I have been a resident of Oakcrest for over ten years and have served on the Oakcrest Board from 2010 to 2018. I currently volunteer with Salvation Army and am an active member of Emmanuel Tabernacle here in Washington, NC.
My plan on the board is to bring communities together by speaking about residents' concerns and how to provide untamable solutions, open communication barriers, and bring activities that will benefit the children and the senior community.
I want to encourage you all to be a part of the Resident Council Advisory Board. We meet every 3rd Wednesday at 12 pm at Old Fort Community Center and WHA Main Office Community Conference Center every other month. For your convenience, we have the meeting live on Zoom.
The following information is to log into the Zoom session:
- Virtual Meeting ID: 236 582 3004
- Passcode: RCAB
- Conference Call: 1-301-715-8592
- Passcode: 424853.
***You MUST download the Zoom app to join virtually.***
I look forward to working and collaborating with you. Most importantly, I am looking forward to the change I know that can be made with the participation of all.
Thank you,
Lorraine Gordon,
President of Resident Council Advisory Board
Little Outside Library
On June 16th, the Beaufort County Literacy Task Force and the shop class of Southside High School donated a Little Outside Library located at the Old Fort Office. The box was donated by The Eagle Scouts Troop 21.
We appreciate them so much for thinking of Washington Housing Authority!
Community Events
(above) Washington Housing Authority hosted its 2nd Annual 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament Saturday, September 24, 2022. Players ages 8-50 competed for trophies and a grand prize. The money raised from this event will go towards the Torch Scholarship for two graduating high school seniors. Check out the gallery on our website at WashingtonHousingAuthority.org for more pictures from this event.
(below) WHA's Board of Commissioners has partnered with the City of Washington to develop the Neighborhood Revitalization Program. This partnership allows low to moderate-income families the availability to purchase affordable homes in Beaufort County. A groundbreaking ceremony was held Friday, September 16, 2022, at the corner of 6th and VanNorden Streets.
BHPC Buzz: For Parents and Early Educators | September, 2022
Toys for Tots Registration 2022
Toys for Tots online registration for Beaufort County families is open until November 3, 2022 at BHCKids.org. In-person registrations take place Tuesday, November 8, from 9 am - 7 pm and Wednesday, November 9, from 9 am - 4 pm at Beaufort-Hyde Partnership for Children, 979 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC (behind Belk). Toys for Tots provides toys for children 12 and under who are not receiving Christmas toys from any other agency or organization. Children on other lists will not be served. Contact Amber via email or 252.975.4647, ext. 101 for more information.
Toy collection boxes are located at several local business. If you would like your business to serve as a collection site, please contact Amber via email or call 252.975.4647, ext. 101.
News Worth Sharing
Exciting new research from Swansea University demonstrates that children enrolled in Dolly Parton's Imagination Library read more frequently and perform better in school. All children living in North Carolina are eligible to register to receive free age-appropriate books in the mail once a month from birth until they turn five. Signing up is easy! Visit BHCKids.org to register, or stop by our office at 979 Washington Square Mall in Washington to fill out a registration card. If your child is already receiving books, please help spread the word.
Free Touch-A-Truck Family Event
October 29, 2022 - 9 AM - 12 PMJoin us for a fun-filled morning at our FREE Touch-a-Truck event on Saturday, October 29, from 9 am - 12 pm at the Beaufort-Hyde Partnership for Children parking lot located at 979 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC (behind Belk). A quiet hour will take place from 9-10 AM. In addition to vehicles, we will also have a trunk-or-treat with area agencies, games, a book-a-treat, car seat safety checks, and much more!
Children are invited to wear costumes (no masks, please). Follow us on social media for more details.
979 Washington Square Mall,
Washington, NC
Resident News
Ms. Lillian Boyd was born on October 18, 1919, and recently celebrated her 103rd birthday. Ms. Boyd celebrated her birthday with city officials, church family, friends, residents, and WHA staff. Mayor Donald Sadler posted a picture on his Facebook page of Ms. Lillian and city officials with a caption that Ms. Boyd said, "the secret to her longevity was having the Lord in her life." Happy Birthday Ms. Lillian Boyd, and we wish you many more to come!
Yard of the Month is BACK!
We are excited to announce that the Yard of the Month is BACK! The holiday season is quickly approaching, and now is the time to start planning. Each month, one yard from each AMP will be selected as the Yard of the Month to appear in our newsletter and website. If chosen, you will be awarded a goodie basket of household items and a Yard of the Month lawn sign to place in front of your home to show your achievement. So, get those ideas started, and good luck to all who participate!
Congratulations to Patricia Little, resident of Oak Crest, for winning Yard of the Month!
Upcoming Events
November 3, 2022: Pest control for Eastern Village, Eastern Village Annex, and Westbrooke
December 1, 2022: Pest control for East Haven and Oak Crest
Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)
Beginning December 1, 2022 any household with a person age 60 or older or a disabled person receiving services through the Division of Adult and Aging Services may apply for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program. Applications may be completed by submitting a paper application through the U.S. Postal Service or via fax to their local Department of Social Services. Applications may also be dropped off at the local Department of Social Services. Applicants may contact their local DSS for information on how to obtain a paper application. Applications may also be completed by phone.All other households may submit applications beginning January 2, 2023. The application period continues through March 31, 2023 or until funds are exhausted. Households do not have to go into the agency to apply.
FSS Breaking News: FSS Accepting Applications
- Accountability
- Stability
- Self-Sufficient
- Reach Your Goals
- Possibility of Homeownership
- Dream BIG
- New Careers
- Escrow Account
Contact: Kimberly Grimes, Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinator
Upcoming Board Meetings
- January 27 - Central Office
- February 24 - Central Office
- March 24 - Central Office
- April 28 - Central Office
- May 26 - Central Office
- June 23 - Central Office
- July 28 - Central Office
- August 25 - Central Office
- September 22 - Central Office
- October 27 - Central Office
- November 24 - TBD
- December 22 - TBD
Dates are subject to change due to weather or holidays.
2022 Holiday Closings
- January 17, 2022 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- February 21, 2022 - President's Day
- April 15, 2022 - Good Friday
- May 30, 2022 - Memorial Day
- July 4, 2022 - Independence Day
- September 5, 2022 - Labor Day
- October 10, 2022 - Columbus Day
- November 11, 2022 - Veteran's Day
- November 24 - November 25, 2022 - Thanksgiving Day & Day After
- December 23 - December 26, 2022 - Christmas Break
WHA Online Payments
- Step 1: Visit WashingtonHousingAuthority.org
- Step 2: Click Pay Online
- Step 3: Sign up for your account
- Step 4: Log into your account, Tenant "Make Payment"
All online payments will charge a $2.00 convenience fee.
Email Confirmation will serve as your receipt of payment.
Employment Opportunities
- Maintenance Mechanic 1
- Maintenance Mechanic 1
- Accounting Specialist
Apply on NCWorks.gov
If your vehicle is towed from "No Parking" zones, you may contact George Stokes of Stokes Towing and Recovery, to make arrangements to pick it up. He can be reached at 910.770.2194.
Deborah Rodgers:
- Monday-Friday (Oak Crest)
Julie Finn:
- Clifton Meadows 8:30-12:00pm
- Public Housing (Main Office) 1:00pm-5:00pm
Edith Cobb:
- Monday, Wednesday, & Friday (Westbrooke)
- Tuesday & Thursday (Old Fort)
Towanna Williams:
- Monday, Wednesday, & Friday (East Haven)
- Tuesday & Thursday (Eastern Village & Eastern Village Annex)
WHA Phone Number
WashingtonHousingAuthority.orgCity of Washington
Non-Emergency Number
252.946.1444WHA Maintenance Line