Housing Highlights Volume 9, Issue 11
April - June 2023
Inside This Issue
- I'm Graduating!
- A Message from the ED
- FSS Graduates
- In Loving Memory
- Resident News
- Enroll in ROSS
- ROSS Survey
- Upcoming Events
- Community News
- Knowledge Is Power!
- Kids' Corner
Graduating Seniors
The Washington Housing Authority would like to recognize our graduating seniors. If your child is about to graduate from high school and you would like them featured in our June issue of Housing Highlights, please send a photo of your child, along with their name, to Erica via email.
Help Keep Our Kids Safe!
Please be mindful of this while traveling in residential areas.
A Message From the ED
As we start a new spring season and commemorate National Fair Housing Month, this signifies a recommitment to advancing housing options and expanding affordable homeownership opportunities for the residents of the Washington Housing Authority (WHA) and the City of Washington. Additionally, the WHA has made great strides in providing a voice and representation by establishing the Resident Council of the Washington Housing Authority (RCWHA) as an autonomous organization with non-profit exemption status. This is a significant part of the WHA's efforts to provide exceptional services. Also, to effectively establish an excellent communication platform for the housing community, the WHA has created a Facebook site and a Mass Notification system to share events and news of new programs.
With the help of our community stakeholders, the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP) is helping empower families for whom homeownership is part of their life vision. For example, recently, a WHA resident signed a contract to purchase the first newly constructed home in the NRP's "Teacher Row" district.
Our job as civic leaders is to ensure WHA continues to move forward and maintain a balanced budget while delivering the quality services our residents desire. As we look ahead, we will continue to strive to provide the best customer service experience, increase efficiency, and explore new opportunities for our residents. In addition, we are excited to continue to deliver value to you as a resident of the Washington Housing Authority.One last thing, join our Facebook community for upcoming events that are designed to help improve lives by providing comprehensive programs that place people on the path to success.
Washington Housing Authority Facebook
Michael Best,
Executive Director
FSS Graduates
Congratulations on completing the Family Self-Sufficiency Program and completing that step of your goals!
In Loving Memory of Ms. Josephine H. Royster
In the last issue of Housing Highlights, we paid tribute to Ms. Josephine Royster for serving on the Washington Housing Authority Board of Commissioners for 28 years. It is with great sadness that in this issue, we must say goodbye.Josephine Royster transitioned on Monday,
February 27, 2023. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Ms. Royster's family. She was an amazing woman and we were all so blessed to have worked with her. Rest In Paradise, Ms. Royster!
Greene Lamp
Greene Lamp has the Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) Program. The core of the project is based on the concept that stabilizing families for the long term, not just meeting immediate needs, is essential for reducing poverty. This program assists low-income families in finding full-time employment. The most effective and efficient way to provide services to low income people is through coordinated and consolidated efforts of all the resources available: human services agencies, faith-based organizations, schools, businesses, and government agencies. Also, training, education, and counseling are among the available intermediate and long-term strategies. Our Poverty Guidelines are 125%. Project requirements: you must be 18 years old & older, A resident of Beaufort, Greene, Lenoir, or Pitt County., Must meet current HHs poverty income guidelines for family size, and be dedicated to working on barriers to become self-sufficient. If you don't have any employment, we're able to assist with various barriers to help you to reach your goal of employment. We assist with employment readiness and assessment, employment search/referral, interviewing techniques, resume and application preparation, education and training assessment, and money management.
Contact person: Amy Howard - Program Specialist
Cell phone - 252.933.0720
Email Amy
Literacy of Beaufort County
Literacy Volunteers of Beaufort County is an education-based non-profit that has been helping members of our community for over twenty years. Our mission is to provide free, one-to-one tutoring for adults wishing to improve their reading and math skills, learn English as a second language, financial literacy, or basic computer literacy, and even earn a GED or Career Readiness Certificate (CRC). Please reach out if you, or someone you know, would be interested in talking some more about our programs. We are always looking for great volunteers. If you're interested in becoming a tutor, it requires a 15-hour certification class, some hours are in person, and some hours are online. Or you can also volunteer with fundraising, publicity, work with committees on projects, participate in local events (Smoke on the Water), etc.
Upcoming Events
- May 4, 2023: Pest control for Eastern Village, Eastern Village Annex, and Westbrooke
- June 1, 2023: Pest control for East Haven and Oak Crest
- July 6, 2023: Pest control for Clifton Meadows and Old Fort
- August 3, 2023: Pest control for Eastern Village, Eastern Village Annex, and Westbrooke
Air filters will be changed every other month (May, July, September, and November).
Please arrange to have an adult present with any minor child(ren).Below is the schedule:
- Clifton Meadows - 1st week, every other month
- Oakcrest - 1st week, every other month
- Old Fort - 2nd week, every other month
- East Haven and Eastern Village - 3rd week, every other month
- Westbrooke - 4th week, every other month
From the Comfort of your Home!
Resident Council MeetingMeetings held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at 12:00 PM
Virtually and in-personZoom Info
Virtual Meeting ID: 236 582 3004
Passcode: RCABConference Number:+1.301.715.8592
Passcode: 424853In Person at Old Fort Community Center, 204 West 9th Street
or Main Office Conference Room: 809 Pennsylvania Avenue every other month.
You must download the Zoom app to join virtually.
Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)
Accepting Applications
What this Program can offer you:
- Financial Independence
- Educational Programs
- Possibility of Homeownership
- Escrow Account: Saving Money
- Accountability
- Financial Management Counseling (Example: credit improvement, budgeting, saving)
And so much more!
Contact me today and change your life for tomorrow!
Home Sweet Home
Kimberley Grimes, FSS Coordinator
Phone: 252.644.2396
Email Kimberly
Enroll in ROSS Today
Please click here to fill out ROSS forms.
- GED, Vocational Training, or Degree
- Employment
- Home Health
- Transportation
- Mental Health
- Healthy Eating
No issue is too small!
No question is not important!Contact Me! Let's Chat!
Alecia Rhoe, ROSS Coordinator
Email AleciaWho's Eligible?
Public housing residents who are at least 18.Are Elderly and Disabled tenants Eligible?
Community News
Greetings my WHA Community Family,
Over the next several issues of our newsletter, I want to introduce different members of the PCC (Participating Coordinating Committee) Board to the FSS Program (Family Self-sufficiency Program) to you all.
This month I am introducing Amy Alligood Spring. She was born and raised in Beaufort County, and lives in Washington. She has been working for Beaufort County Department of Social Services for 25 years, and currently holds the position of the Income Maintenance Administrator. She is married with two beautiful daughters. Thank you, Amy, for sharing a portion of your life with our community family. We appreciate all that you do for the community and our clients.
Warm Regards,
Kimberly Grimes, FSS Coordinator
City of Washington and Washington-Beaufort County Human Relations Council
Juneteenth 2023
Celebration of FreedomLocation:
Beebe and P.S. Jones Memorial Parks
1101 North Bridge Street
- Freedom Parade
- Food Vendors
- Games and Prizes
- Amusement Rides
- Field Day Fun
- Inflatable Water Slides
- Father's Day Concert
- Free Throw Competition
Featuring Live Performance By:
Saturday, June 17
Ruffin Keyes and Trainwreck
4:00 PM - 7:30 PMSunday, June 18
Father's Day
The Monterio Experience
4:00 PM - 7:30 PMCo-Sponsors
Agape Community Health, Clearpoint, Professional Staffing Solutions, Washington Housing Authority, First Bank, Wimco and Beaufort County Government
FYI: Be Fire Safe in the Kitchen
- Never leave food unattended while its cooking
- Maintain a clean and clutter-free stovetop
- Don't use water to put out a grease fire
- Don't remove a pot that's on fire from the stove
- When cooking with grease/oil always have a lid or cookie sheet immediately available to place over the the pot in the event of a fire
- Turn pot handles toward the center of the stove
- Cook on back burners when possible
Emergency Dial 911
Reaching for the Stars Summer Camp 2023
Learning can be even more fun in the summer, have your child be a part of this awesome experience.
Monday through Thursday
June 19 through August 3, 2023
Ages: 5 - 12 years
8:00 AM to 5:00 PMCall Kimberly Grimes at the Housing Authority
252.644.2396Register Today!
We will ONLY pay the $60.00 registration fee for those interested in their child or children attending. Parents or guardians are responsible for all other charges, such as trips and t-shirts.
Applications can be picked up and returned to the front desk at 809 Pennsylvania Ave. (Main Office). (This is for all clients serviced by WHA).
Knowledge is Power
Kimberly Grimes, FSS Coordinator, and Alecia Rhoe, ROSS Coordinator, held a "Knowledge is Power" workshop Thursday, March 16, 2023, about first-time homebuying, banking/lending, and credit repair. The speakers were: Rochelle Hobbs, a realtor from Keller Williams Points East; June Lee from United Bank; Kyeatta Ham from Allstate Insurance; and Martin White, a Credit Repair Counselor with Envision LLC.
Knowledge is power Workshop
A Home is in your reach!
- Thursday, June 15, 2023
- 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
- Washington Housing Authority
- 809 Pennsylvania Avenue
- Open to the Public
Guest Speakers:
- Martin White, Credit Repair
- Larry Lang, First Bank
- Kyeatta Ham, Allstate Insurance
- Rochelle Hobbs, Realtor
- Michael Best, Home Inspection
For Additional Information Contact:
Kimberly Grimes
FSS CoordinatorAlecia Rhoe
ROSS Coordinator
Upcoming Board Meetings
- April 27 - Westbrooke
- June 22 - Central Office
- August 24 - East Haven
- October 26 - Central Office
- December 28 - Old Fort
The Board Meetings will be held every other month.
2023 Holiday Closings
- January 16, 2023 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- February 20, 2023 - President's Day
- April 7, 2023 - Good Friday
- May 29, 2023 - Memorial Day
- June 19, 2023 - Juneteenth Day
- July 4, 2023 - Independence Day
- September 4, 2023 - Labor Day
- October 9, 2023 - Columbus Day
- November 10, 2023 - Veteran's Day
- November 23 - November 24, 2023-Thanksgiving Day & Day After
- December 25 - December 26, 2023-Christmas Break
Dates are subject to change due to weather or holidays.
WHA Online Payments
Step 1: Visit www.washingtonhousingauthority.org
Step 2: Click Pay Online
Step 3: Sign up for your account
Step 4: Log into your account, Tenant "Make Payment"All online payments will charge a $2.00 convenience fee.
Email Confirmation will serve as your receipt of payment.
Employment Opportunities
- Maintenance Mechanic 1
- Accounting Specialist
Apply on NCWorks.gov
If your vehicle is towed from "No Parking" zones, you may contact George Stokes of Stokes Towing and Recovery, to make arrangements to pick it up. He can be reached at 910.770.2194.
Deborah Rodgers: Monday-Friday (Oak Crest)
Julie Finn: Clifton Meadows 8:30-12:00pm
Public Housing (Main Office) 1:00pm-5:00pm
Edith Cobb: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday (Westbrooke) Tuesday & Thursday (Old Fort)
Towanna Williams: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday (East Haven) Tuesday & Thursday (Eastern Village & Eastern Village Annex
WHA Phone Number
252.946.0061City of Washington
Non-Emergency Number
WHA Maintenance Line