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Family Self-Sufficiency Program

Is the Family-Sufficiency Program a good fit for your household?

Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS) - What is it?

FSS is a voluntary program for families; a family can choose whether or not to participate in it. Some PHAs are required to offer an FSS program to satisfy a mandate tied to their receipt of housing assistance in earlier decades, while others run the program voluntarily. Owners of HUD-assisted multifamily developments can choose whether or not to participate.

FSS achieves this goal by helping families to increase their earnings and to build assets and financial capability. This training is designed to assist FSS programs in achieving these outcomes. 

In the FSS Program, in achieving your goals, you can accrue a financial incentive for participants to increase their earnings in the form of an escrow savings account that increases as residents' earnings increase.

  1. The escrow account helps participants build savings that they can use to improve their quality of life and advance their personal goals. Escrow funds can also help participants pay for key services - such as car repair or employment training - that they may need to make progress toward their goals.
  2. Case Management or Coaching to help families access services they may need to overcome barriers to employment, strengthen their financial capability, and address other challenges holding them back from achieving their goals.

For more information about FSS, please contact:
Kimberly Grimes, FSS Coordinator
Email Kimberly
Phone: 252.644.2396